The following are for personal use commissions. Commercial commissions have different rates so please do message me for more details regarding commercial commissions or refer to the Terms of service page.
20 usd
- additional 5 USD minimum for complex details/ extra props
- additional 7 USD for each extra expressions
- a version with no frame/effects will also be sent after the project
-Turnaround time: 10 - 20 days
Half Body
40 usd
- additional 10 USD minimum for complex details/extra props
- additional 10 USD for each extra expressions
-Turnaround time: 10 - 20 days
Full Body
70 usd
- additional 10 USD minimum for complex details/extra props
- additional 10 USD for each extra expressions
-Turnaround time: 10 - 30 days
Character Design
150 usd
- additional 10 USD minimum for addidng complex details/extra props
- additional 10 USD for each extra expressions
- additional 30-100 USD for additional costume/ hairstyle/ nude version
- almost unlimited free edits during concept stage only.
-Turnaround time: 20 days minimum
(turnaround time varies depending on how much edits has been made)If the number of costume set is at least 5, you will be eligible to claim a Wardrobe fileWardrobe file is a csp or psd file where the character's costumes, hairstyles, expressions can be interchanged freely